got ethical husbandry?

Found one of my Clownfish in the overflow!

Funny thing, I was just reading @tygunn's thread! :)


I take a peek at my tank before I leave for work every morning and noticed one of my clowns was missing! He never hides, so I knew this was unusual.

Looked high and low, and finally found that he squeezed through the overflow grates and was laying on top of the filter floss with overflow water splashing over him!

No clue how long he was back there, could have been all night long! Saw him gasping, I grabbed him by hand, he squirmed like a bastard. Laid him in the display, and he swam sideways to a random corner and stayed laying there, pale as can be. He was literally a foggy slime covered white color. He looked so bad!

I made my coffee and English muffin, got everything together to run out the door, a few minutes have passed already and so I took another peek at the tank. The escapee was out hanging around, cuddling with his other clown buddy, and amazingly has all of his color back. As if nothing ever happened!

He's doing great tonight, and eating. Everything normal!

maybe add some screen on the overflow......or keep feeding him so he gets too fat to squeeze in. I found a chromis in mine last week...and once I found a damsel I didn't see in over a year, alive in my overflow.