
fragging this at the meeting

It's a god damn weed, I need to get a saw and chop mine up, it's about twice it's original size and is starting to gobble other corals up :D
Sad part is that it's been abused moving from place to place and currently sits on the bottom of my tank. It eats a lot, and I feed a lot that may have something to do with it :D

brought to you by Reef-Nutrition® products by Reed Mariculture® :D
tuberider said:
I love 'em, they keep me from coming across as a smart ass all of the time ;) :D

:lol: finally others are catching on :p

Tony is just a hater... he'll come around some day though :lol: :p
Tonight was the first of a few frag nights before the swap:-D
Pickup at the Regional Swap in Feb to allow things to heal fully.

request away in any manner you see fit :p