got ethical husbandry?

Free non-photosynthetic single unknown polyp to a good home.


The little blurry red dot next to (and about to be bulldozed by) the montipora is an oddball coral that was a hitchhiker on a frag plug from one of those big plugs you get from Bali, and similar farms. I cut it out of the plug and have been direct feeding it occasionally but since I'm not an NPS guy and I'm away from home a lot it's not thriving. It looks similar to a tubastrea, but it's red with clear tentacles instead of yellow. If someone wants to take care of this little guy please let me know and I'll bring him to the frag trade.
Hmm tried to PM you when I noticed from another thread that you live in SF. Don't see the PM button anymore though so whatever. I'm in the mission, if you wanted to drop by sometime and pick it up before the meeting that's fine too.

K cool,
I still need to pay the membership fee, so that's why I think PM's are not working. I'll send a PM once I do (which will hopefully be tomorrow)