
Friend or foe?

This redish stuff is growing on my live rock after about 3 months. I am still too much of a newb to know if its good or bad.

What is it? Thanks!!!

Foe BIG TIME.. I had that stuff overrun my nano.. I'd remove the entire rock and boil and re-cure the rock if possible.

If not use a turkey baster and blast boiling fresh water on it while in the tank and the leaves will die, they should turn neon orange after they get hit with the hot water then melt away over a few days. But this stuff is seriously bad.. I shut down my nano b/c of it. And I dont know a single thing that eats it, NOT even Pacific Turbos. IMO it's worse than Red turf algae
It's a type of macroalgae. I keep some in my tank just due to the way it looks (it gets pink and orange spots on a darker red bubble than the ones that you currently have). Pretty easy to pluck off, as long as you don't let the bits float around the tank. I'd do it outside of the tank if you do since when those bubbles are popped, it spews some slippery liquid.
that liquid makes them spread. They eventually grew so much in my nano they clogged the out valve. Looks cool when it's little it's a mess once it takes hold.
The flatworms in there are really no big deal. They won't hurt anything, but some people don't like how they look and they can sometimes reproduce very quickly. I don't think its worth trying to eradicate them.
Get rid of the algae. The risk of an algae overrun is too great. Anything in excess is horrible. I have gorgeous green/purple ricordias...ALL OVER my tank, I love and hate them, they make it hard to keep other corals. Algae, one established can become a huge nuisance very quickly.

Here's the thing, even if you liked it and it's pretty algae, do you want a reef tank with corals or with algae?

Ditto the planaria, get rid of them fast before they turn into a carpet. Do they harm anything? Well if they grow to huge proportions and then suddlenly die, you'll have big troubles.

Vincerama2 said:
Ditto the planaria, get rid of them fast before they turn into a carpet. Do they harm anything? Well if they grow to huge proportions and then suddlenly die, you'll have big troubles.


have you ever seen or heard of red planaria mass dying on their own with out a medication?

Best way to combat them is to figure out you nutrient problem. If you don't solve that, and even if you get rid of the red planaria, you'll still have the underlying issue of too much nutrients.

Red Planaria have never bloomed in my tank and I have one here and there. I've never seen two in a square foot :)