
Galaxea vs. BTA

I'd like to add a few more corals. Only option to do is move the galaxea a lil closer to the BTA. Just wondering if the galaxea's feeding tentacles or the BTA's tentacles will sting/kill each other. Sound like a bad idea? Please lmk your thoughts. TIA! :)
Bad idea. One will succumb to the other and die. Ditch the galaxea, you'll find it's a space hog. I stopped working with those long long ago due to this.
+1 to Gresham, and those buggers have some of the longest sweepers ever. They're nice and fuzzy looking when the lights are on, but when lights out those tentacles stretch forever!
Heh, had a feeling it would be bad idea. Thank you everyone for your input. :) This guys sweepers never go away. It's out during the day too. :~
I have foot long sweepers on my galaxy since I moved to new tank. Never before saw a sweeper >3", put it in the new tank, looked next morning and damn if about 6 of them weren't a foot long. Lassoed a SPS branch and stung a ring right around it. Doh.
Mine are at least 8" long. I've read that they get longer if they are in high flow. I have this guy right under my MP40 which is 1 notch below full speed.

Hate to get rid of the guy. He's a beautiful bright green.
My BTA moved this afternoon and I haven't changed anything in my tank. I had to move my sun coral to prevent it from getting it stung. I noticed the female wasn't in the BTA and they were both hosting below the rock. I look at the rock and I see orange eggs!

It's like a love fest in my tank! First the snails lay out eggs and now my clowns!
New sound track maybe? Did you just start listening to Barry White?