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Halide shut off temp.

Wondering what temperature you guys set your controllers to shut off the halides; Think temperature will be an issue with my tank at home with canopy on and two MH.
I have a 100W heather that is set to ~70, barely turns on, not to say it does not go on at all. I dialed it down to find if it was stuck-on but seems to work just fine. The main heather, a 200W Ti is not even plugged.
Temperature averages 80 with a Mag7 running 24/7 for return and two 6025 in the main tank to provide circulation for the empty tank (no livestock yet) I have a couple MP's but not being used yet. Something is generating lots of heath.
It was a warm day today, avg. temp seems 82 but I wasn't home all day so can't tell about earlier, during the mid-day/afternoon.
Family is asking about when I'm bringing the fish home but I won't give them the new HOA if we will find fish soup when we get home.

Thx !
Why not have a fan turn on the water or the sump to cool it on when it gets to hot?
That's what I do.
It works like a dream.
I have an controller for that.
Mag's in general I have found to run hot, I suspect that is your issue.

My "MH Kill temp" is 82f

HOA = Home Owners Association, that truly what you meant?
Thx guys !

Yeah Gresh, the fish will share the property=HOA :)
Jon I have a fan but turned out a wee to big so need to find another one; one of the guys up on MARS had a clip on failed and fell in the water; Mine has a keyhole to fix it with a screw but size does matter here as I'm limited on space. A Medusa dual temp. controller is to tackle both, heather and fan but I was assuming (I'm wrong to do that) since I had no temperature issues with the smaller 46, the more than doubled volume of water could be more stable. Evaporation yesterday was about two gallon worth !!
Guess I'll swap the Mag7 for something less hot; any suggestions on an in-sump pump?

Thanks again !
As much as I hate the heat my mag puts out during the day when my halides are on, I love them in the winter and at night. Saves on the amount of time I have to have my heaters on.

I do have a failsafe set on my controller if my tank reaches >83 for it to shut my halides down but have never reached it with the fans and chiller I have.
I share that Bryan, if equipment besides a heather, can provide the temperature needed to keep the tank ~77/80 I'm happy, no need for a big heather to keep up the temp.
Chiller is out of the question, no room and wiring here is not close to be trusted a bit, old fuse box and quite a few amps not a good combo.
I have the Lumenarc set on the canopy, no glass shield yet but I just have to grab them; does the glass "shield" some of the heath generated by the bulbs?
It would be really frustrating for me to have to take down the MH and place T5's; I love the shimmer MH brings in the tank.
You can use glass shield to hold heat in the reflector , but you would want to pull air through them and vent to outside the canopy. Many hydroponic type reflectors have the aircooled feature I'm describing
Mike I have the larger Lumenarc with the AC vent but 19.5" means useless for my canopy; had I known when I bought them ...
Going to get some 120mm PC fans to add some ventilation to the canopy, pulling air out from the back. IcaCap fans will point air drawn to the reflectors, one on each side.
Question again; How or what to use to calibrate temperature sensors?
currently I have two RK units with sensor, both in the sump; one small glass with suction cup and the Medusa; I have this tiny infra-red I can point to different parts of the tank/sump to get readings. Should i trust the Medusa readings? or go with the IR?
I know RK units will have to be calibrated.
sid700 said:
I use a mercury thermometer.

Same here, but man are they hard to find now as most are the red alcohol.

Careful with the AC feature on the LA's, you do not want to pass too much air and cool the bulbs too much. You'll get less life and the color will shift.
GreshamH said:
sid700 said:
I use a mercury thermometer.

Same here, but man are they hard to find now as most are the red alcohol.

Careful with the AC feature on the LA's, you do not want to pass too much air and cool the bulbs too much. You'll get less life and the color will shift.

Thanks Gresh, good to know about color shifting and life-span.
I'm using the alcohol type thermometers; highest that I noticed yesterday 82 and it was a warm day. Placed the glass in the reflectors so that might have helped couple degrees.