got ethical husbandry?

"Holiday" potluck, Richard Ross talk and mini frag swap (01/07)

Hey everyone! I apologize for the delay on the pics and vids.

I have setup a temporary shared album on my personal Google Photos account. I will keep it active until I start to run out of storage space.

Please feel free to download and share the images. I would like to encourage you all to share photos on your social media profiles and help recruit more people to visit the forum.

Jan 7th 2024 BAR Potluck Album
Thanks for posting the talk!

Hey everyone...So my wife has a medical appointment on Monday in SF. She suggested we find a place to stay the night after the dinner at High Tide instead of wasting gas and time.

Is there somewhere you would suggest that is nearby, safe, and not horribly expensive? I figured I'd ask here vs taking a gamble with booking online. Thanks!
I live in Oakland Chinatown, not too far from High Tide and am happy to offer recommendations of places to stay or eat in the future!