Neptune Aquatics

How to make this Sump Better

Hey Everybody,

Any suggestions on how to make this sump/refugium better? The previous owner had the water pouring down the right side over a filter pad, through the baffles, to the refugium area in the middle. That poured over the last wall to the return area. For his skimmer, he put a tupperware bowl upside down in the refugium area and put the Euro-Reef skimmer on top of the tuppeware bowl above the sand. Kind of wierd I thought. Should I put another piece of plastic in the refugium area to make separate fuge and skimmer areas? Or should I just try to put the skimmer in the first chamber and let it pour over to the fuge area? Or lastly, tear out the baffles and redo it? Any suggestions would be appreciated....TIA.


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How big is your skimmer? You might be able to put the skimmer in the first section. Use the second for refugium and last for return.

What did he use to glue in the baffles?
Are those baffles just siliconed in? If so why not just cut the first baffle and move it to make the first camber bigger if your skimmer wont fit in there. I would also add some bracing to the top
second alex, if they are siliconed, move them a little to make room for the skimmer.
you can make a stand for the skimmer you intent on using, just consider the water level suggested for it.
An extra brace to prevent bowing too as Jeremy stated
I've made a couple sumps out of used/beat up plexi tanks, trim the top flange to my needs and used weldon to fix the baffles and they, since are glued, prevent any bowing but just to be on the safer side an extra brace.
the tank is an old plexi tank so I think I'm good on bracing and the baffles are cemented which i think helps with the bracing yea? that's why I feel like I'm stuck with adding another piece but if it was general consensus that I needed to move them mr. jigsaw would come out.
It will be a royal pain to cut them with the saw, just go easy or might end up cracking the main one.
Maybe removing only the first baffle from right to left and see if the skimmer fits before any more surgery?