Neptune Aquatics

Ich, yes...

Great speech by Rich on the topic.
I need to post something on a Spanish forum; Rich was just awesome at his presentation and need a little help on what or how to post; some people think it came out of nowhere, others swear by garlic and one person has on a monthly basis an ich recurrence on his fish for about four days then it goes away just to show up every so often. There's the person with "Pristine" water condition and the guy who says top name equipment has to do a lot with getting rid of the parasite.
please help me with something simple that I can translate.
Thanks guys !
How about a simple outline of the parasites lifecycle? Start with what's known and let them flail about trying to concoct what they 'think' is an accurate observation, you can easily point out what is known to counter their arguments.
Ah man, not only did I miss out on the food but a good topic. :( Just wondering if Rich bought up the use or quinine sulphate to treat ich and how effective it is.
sfboarders said:
Ah man, not only did I miss out on the food but a good topic. :( Just wondering if Rich bought up the use or quinine sulphate to treat ich and how effective it is.

No methodology, just a "how to think for yourself" talk :)
That tough!

I wrote up the ich portion of the talk here

There are also some links at the end that go over ich more comprehensively.

Not sure what to tell you, its a complicated non intuitive issue (part of the reason post hoc thinking is so popular), and it sounds like these guys already believe what they believe.

Maybe you could post specific questions here, we could have a go at answering them, and you could translate them.
I'll work on translating the article or part of it.
My intent is to share what I learn from BAR; it was an amazing presentation/speech you gave Rich.
Normally I read "Help my fish is sick" or "My fish has ich" Seems is the only disease they ID as ich due to the white spots; immediately the garlic comes as the miracle cure; I have not read of ginger that's for sure. Another person asks if the parasite comes out of nothing and the classic "The water must be in pristine condition to be free of ich"