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Kayden's little reef! 12g Eclipse build

Kayden's little reef (12g Eclipse build)
Hey y'all, I figured I would post some pictures of the start of my 12g eclipse for my soon to be born son Kayden :p (4 weeks eeeeks :p)

I used to have a 30H about ... 5 years ago? had to get rid of it, now I set up a little 12g eclipse I got for $50. i was gonna keep the hood on it and retrofit it to a 96 watt PC, but i decided to give LED's a shot with inspiration from DeMartini's build http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1887807 ; So I ditched everything except the tank and the stealth heater (using to warm my water when I do water changes)

This is how it looked when I first set it up

now it looks like this about 2 weeks into running. (it's hard to capture the color the LED's put out, still getting used to my nikon Digicam


Equipment as fallows;

*Tam Rio Nano Skimmer (not sure yet what to think of it)
*Ehiem Jager 50watt heater (may need to get a 75watt, temp flux about 3 degrees depending on my room temp ... 77-80 deg)
*Evil's Par 38 20k with 60 degree optics
*Neo Arm for Light
*koralia nano 240gph (don't seem like enough flow, ordered a Koralia 450gph?)
*Life Guard temp alert thermometer

20lbs of live sand
10lbs of premium figi live rock
5lbs of base rock

live stock
2 false percula clowns

I'm going to build a nice stand for it in the next week or two, gonna be a pita to move it jut going to drain half the water out. The stand is going to be right next to my sons bassinet, maybe it can help him stay calm and sleep through the night. (I work 65hrs a week)

I may go to my friends uncles house and steal a few frags from his frag tank. His 125g DT is probably the MOST BEAUTIFUL tank I have ever seen!!!

I'm excited, to see the progress of this beautiful piece of my own ocean :p

Plumstr8 said:
Tank looks cool!
I could give you a frag of Zoas and Superman Mushroom when your ready.

Sweet appreciated, I'm looking forward to a BAR frag swap. I have a small GSP in there right now that seems to be doing very well. all polyps are open !

costa510, yea I decided to put this nano in our bedroom so that when my son is born it will be right next to his bassinet so he can see and hear it :p

Sad news, I came home today after shopping for Frags, to find 1 of my clown fish dead in a corner covered in white film, and the other clown fish is not looking to good, seems as if they had been pecking at each other the rear fin is a little eaten. none of the other fins are damage just the rear. I'm thinking they may have been sick from the LFS, I should have known better than to deal with this Particular LFS. One of their clowns had a white spot on his forehead. My water test fine. I know that my clowns seem to be hiding 90% of the time. in the caves in the live rock. they were not very active and one of them just wouldn't really eat. any ideas?

PH 8.1-8.3
Temp 79F
Ammonia: no test
Nirate 15ppm

bout the only test's i have other than calcium and KH which I will test for here in a minute, I'm getting ready to do a 50% water change.

I do not have a quarantine tank avail :( so he will just have to ride it out. My corals seem to be doing fine.

You could have gotten a couple of fish that where really stressed out? How did you aclimate them into the new aquarium? As far as the LFS, I learned the hard way, dont ever buy fish from a store that has a bunch of RED FLAGS.

1. White spots = "Hole in head" , "Marine Ich", "Clown Fish diease" etc.

2. Dead fish in tanks

3. Strange fish behavior

4. To many fish in one tank.

About 99% of the time the is a complete filter system, so whatever you see on one fish the others are being exposed to!

What city do you live in?
Check out this thread and the pics of the clown.


What you describe sounds very much like an issue I had if so you may have a case of brooklynella which is fatal to clowns/fish. They were covered in the white slime and had freyed tail fins. I lost two clowns but was able to save my remaining clown with a 20 min freshwater dip. I also used s 1/4tsp per gal of baking soda to raise the pH of the fresh water prior to the dip (make sure the temp is OK too, no chlorine, etc…). This particular clown has the parasites in the mouth and throat area and didn’t eat for almost a week after the treatment. She is in the main display tank and doing fine for 6 months now. Do some net research with pics to verify that this is what you have.

You will need to also move the clown to a quarantine tank for recovery as brooklynella is a protozoan and has a life cycle that will keep it alive in your nano for 8 weeks. So either the tank must remain fish free for 8 weeks or treated with Formalyn 3 (sp?). The Formalyn treatment is not friendly to inverts and the beneficial bacteria already present in the system, however, if your system is that new this may not be an issue. If you need the Formalyn and are in the Vallejo area I have some from my experience that was not used.

Research and diagnose now as this parasite (also known as the clown fish disease for net searches) moves and kills very quickly and you may not have time to do the dip if you wait too long.

Good luck

Plum I live in oakland/emeryville area.

I am 100% it is brooklynella, I do not have a quarantine setup avil, unless i put a heater and powerhead in a 5g bucket. best I can do, If i treat in my display tank will it harm my corals? The remaining clown seems to be doing better as far as eating and he is a lot more active. I did a 50% water change today after I removed the dead clown.

Thanks for the info guys!

Well I just had to put the remaning fish out of his misery, he was gasping at the surface, and kinda just let go and started floating around with the current =( I guess I need to just let me tank run with no fish for a few weeks? because the parasite is present?
I dont know what the life cycle for the parasite is? But with no host it should die, I would wait three to four weeks. The longer the better.
If you have brooklynella the protozoan can live without a host for 8 weeks. So the tank would need to be empty of fish for that duration. However, it does not infect corals or other inverts so you can still play with them.

Oh I know those and probably the reefer that hooked you on 'em; Kes?
Just be patient on the parasites, they will go like the seasonal flu.
sweet,... to the fact that they wont hurt my coral, I just got a nice group of frags.

tubbs blue zoa's
radiant tangerine pally
white pom pom pulsing xenia
devil's armor pallys
neon green star polyps
yellow ricordea
neon lime birds nest
gold clavularia clove polyps
sunburst pally

and last but not least

a montipora verucosa

I want this parasite GONE! I want to get these little picasso clowns :(
Update on the tank! Everything is running great! here are some photos.

When I put the two maroon clown fish in, my damsels picked on the male to death while I was at work =( ... So I had to rip apart my tank and catch the little bugger and return them. I feel so sad because they were a mated pair =( I feel like a horrible person ;( but here are some updated photos,








So now my only tank inhabitants are my clown fish (Lois) and my diamond spotted goby (gobymon) . and my cleaner shrimp (Luigi)

Wed I am going to order another maroon a smaller one to replace (peter), How hard do you guys think it will be to remate a clownfish?

Also I need a good skimmer, anyone recommend a good HOB? I wish I could fit the tunze in there. but not enough space.

how bout an update?




water change once a week.... havnt tested my water in a few months... everything seems to run good :p getting ready for a tank transfer to a 17g ADA and use this current tank as a makeshift sump.

wish I could take better photos ...