
New Forum Software

A few weeks ago we moved parts of the BAR website to a new software platform called Drupal. Today, we're moving the forums into that system as well. This will make it so that, once again, the forums and other primary site content are handled by the same software. In the future, there are exciting new features we hope to provide using this platform.

What this means for you is that the forums will look a little different. We've gone to great lengths to preserve all the old forum data and to provide the functionality users depend on. Nevertheless, some things may not work quite the way you expect. If you find that to be the case, please let me know and I'll do my best to address it.

Two important site features still remain in SMF: private messages and the gallery. We plan to migrate those to drupal in the coming weeks as well.

Thank you for your patience as we go through this transition!
You're welcome!

I didn't mean to say "Today" though. I think it might be today (Sunday now) but its still pending a few touch-ups and final approval from the rest of the BOD.
Things are transferred over, but we're experiencing some mysterious performance problems that we didn't see while testing. I'm looking into that.
Not sure if ppl will think this is silly, but it did confuse me for a min.

You no longer press sumbit to post, that has been replaced by the "save" button.
Hi Erin,
If you have time, you can remove me from the MOD/ADMIN group. I can see stuff that regular members don't see :D .. Also will there be something under the screenname? Hard to tell who is a member and who is not now.
oh yeah... i think you were added to that when you were helping me with the banner ad and front page picture updates. i'll remove you.

user roles listed in forum posts is on my list of things to do.
So the "recent posts" button is what takes the place of "unread posts since..." ??
I noticed some of them had a red "NEW" after them, while others didn't but showed "x new" under the reply column.