Our mission

New Local Businesses Page

We now have a fancy dancy new local businesses feature that replaces the old local resources page! Check it out here:


You can sort by name, business type, city, region, etc. Members can add businesses to that page with the "Add a business" link at the bottom of the page.

Thanks to Sherri for doing data entry and to Charles for organizing this!
Erin, is there a way people can add updated info to the currently listed stores? I noticed many of them lacking information. I thought about looking everyone up, but then canned that idea due to lazyness. I figured if people had a favorite and knew about it, they could add more pertinent info. Or, if I still had access, and others got me the info, I could update it. :)
Lyn, you still have access and you should be able to modify any of the ones you created. Other people can also create them but only admins can modify listings they didn't create.

We need to think about if we want any member to be able to modify any listing. I think probably no, since that's ripe for abuse. Maybe we can give you and perhaps one or two other people access to make edits to any listing, though.