Neptune Aquatics

New member with BC29

Hello BAR!!

I thought I'd introduce myself with some info and a picture (everyone likes pictures, right?;)). I'm fairly new to reefing and have been keeping a BC29 for about 10 months. Another hobby of mine is photography, owning a Canon 40D with various lenses and photog equipment.

In the ten months of my BC29s life, my tank has matured quite a bit and I've had the opportunity to really fine tune it to be a very stable environment. My tank is automated with a couple Drew's Doser Pumps and a DIY Auto Top-Off system. The ATO system uses float switches so my skimmer (Tunze 9002) is operating at optimal water level at all times. Everything is controlled by my ReefKeeper II.

The picture below is an older photo of my Gold Bar Maroon Clownfish. He takes up home in a Green BTA. The photo was taken using a 50mm prime lens coupled to some extension tubes. I used a Speedlite flash shot down from the top of the tank, using a remote trigger. I should have cleaned the glass a litte better as you can see white specs in the photo.. Otherwise, I like the effect of the flash and detail in the photo. After I take some up-to-date pictures, I'll post them to this thread. Most likely within the next few days.

I have some LPS and an ever increasing variety of SPS, including a Montipora Digitata and a Monti Cap. I also have a bright blue/purple Maximus Clam that has grown considerably since putting him into the tank. Things seem to be growing okay, however, I'd like to start using a metal halide. Right now, my lights are 144 watts of PC (nanotuner upgrade). I'll most likely stay with this lighting since I'm considering upgrading to a 75 gallon tank in the future.

I've mostly lurked around and wish I found BAR sooner! Seems like a great group of people here. I look forward to doing some more reading around the forums and possibly getting more involved with the club soon!!



I hope I can learn a bit more about setting up a "real" sump, etc before embarking on my dream 75g tank..

BTW, is that a Monkfish in your Avatar?