High Tide Aquatics

New Private Messages System

I've enabled the new private messages system. The "Messages" link at the top of the page will take you to it.

For now, the old messages system is still around. It will be going away soon, though, so please retrieve any message from there that you want to keep! You can access the old messages system though a link in the navigation menu on the left.

Please let me know if you have any questions or problems!
Erin is there anyway to forward the messages from the old site to our new site, I too have like 16 pages of messages a lot of which are DBTC related, I use it as a personal tracking device about when I got corals etc (much easier to find then the tracking thread)
I have about 800 messages(mostly from being too lazy to delete), but I'm ok with not bringing them over if it's a major headache.
I think i saw a mod on SMF that allows users to download their private messages in html format. You might want to check it out so members can still keep their messages on their hard drives.

Let me know if you need any help finding it or installing.

Erin, I can't send pm to tapmorf - its says can't send email, but also says message sent? so who knows.