
old dbtc - how did you guys do these things?


I'm writing the front end and back end, and before I continue on to figuring out dbtc updates, I need someone to remind me how they were done. Do you guys remember...

1. how you added someone to a chain? Or were you only able to add yourself to a chain? Who had control?
2. how you updated the status of your chain? (same followup questions as the previous question)

Any detail would be greatly appreciated. I may not follow it, but I want to at least get a baseline for what you guys were used to.

Thank you!
You could populate the handle of the person giving and of the person receiving.
It would use some sort of AJAX to hint the available handles that started with the letter you just typed.
It would also give you an option to edit at a later time and also change status of the frag.
But the most important thing, at least for me, was a section in the user profile where you could go to see your DTBC frags. Either given or received. It was such an awesome way to quick find your DBTC frags to change statuses or to place another frag back into the DBTC.
I can't find the original DBTC thread anymore by just searching, so I have been creating new threads for the same frag :(
You could populate the handle of the person giving and of the person receiving.
It would use some sort of AJAX to hint the available handles that started with the letter you just typed.
It would also give you an option to edit at a later time and also change status of the frag.

I'm planning to use the @ mention ability that we have in our messages. I *think* xenforo has exposed this ability to a developer, but I have yet to test it out.

But the most important thing, at least for me, was a section in the user profile where you could go to see your DTBC frags. Either given or received. It was such an awesome way to quick find your DBTC frags to change statuses or to place another frag back into the DBTC.
I can't find the original DBTC thread anymore by just searching, so I have been creating new threads for the same frag :(

Unfortunately I can't resurrect any of the old dbtc stuff to save you from having to re-enter a dbtc frag. The only relevant data in the old database are the thread and user ids, but when the board migrated over, all of the thread and user ids changed. However, what you describe does sound like a good way to keep track of your dbtcs. I can add that to my list of things to do, which is pretty long at the moment. I can't imagine it being any more difficult than what I'm already doing.

If anyone is curious, I have only just finished writing the basic adjacency index/data structure behind displaying the tree in a logical format. This took a while since my only tools for debugging anything are print statements and xenforo is not forgiving when it comes to a few things. I have a long way to go still.
Hi, too new here to know how this worked before but is the idea to track a frag from the very first person sharing so there is only one thread like a family tree? I wouldn't start a new thread from a frag I want to share which I received from you, for example, but just continue from your original thread where you gave me a frag - perhaps months or years ago?!

Thanks for tackling this @neuro!
Hi, too new here to know how this worked before but is the idea to track a frag from the very first person sharing so there is only one thread like a family tree? I wouldn't start a new thread from a frag I want to share which I received from you, for example, but just continue from your original thread where you gave me a frag - perhaps months or years ago?!

Thanks for tackling this @neuro!

That's precisely as you describe it. You should be able to add to the tree at the top of a thread regardless of when you received or given the frag to someone else.
Yeah, we can easily keep the thread count down if folks can easily look up existing DBTCs if they're looking for frags and look up DBTCs they're a part of to keep the experience ideal for our users. The joy of using the software would be a huge part in the DBTC experience, IMO, and I think @neuro will be successful in achieving that. :)