Neptune Aquatics

ORA Platinum Clown For Sale


Thank you for your post, however this is not the Buy/Sell/Trade form. The BST forum has been changed as a member only forum (Please see the post below). thanks for your understanding.

-Tony (Gomer)

The BOD has changed the permissions for BST and GB so that only Members and Sponsors now have access.

Originally, we felt that the benefit to our members of having non-members participate outweighed the potential for problems. But time has proven that was not true. BAR members received little benefit from having non-members access this part of our forums.

But, in the last 7 months we have had at least 5 issues that required policing. All involved non-members and a lot of effort that should have gone into something more positive. Some bordered on intentional fraud.

So it appears our original assumptions were wrong and we have made changes as a result.

The BST and GB forums are now for BAR members and sponsors only. Feel free to continue using them as you have - to offer special items to fellow members and to set up group buys through our sponsors.