High Tide Aquatics

Post job openings here!


Due to all the recent layoffs, I thougt it might be beneficial if we could post job openings that we personally know about. I know there isn't a lot out there, but every little bit helps. :)

At my husbands work, the following are available:
We're hiring software engineers in my department as well as other positions throughout the company.

Not even close to as cool as Pixar but here they are...

Slim pickin's...

Hasn't been listed yet, but U.C. Berkeley College of Chemistry will be needing an Electrical Engineer / Electronics Shop supervisor.

Big points for experience in R&D support in a University setting.

Current cool projects the shop is supporting:


Let me see them resumes!
Hehe... then you can become Vice Chancellor.

That's how things seem to work around there :D

Well, put the word out for me.

Free frags to whoever makes my life easier, haha :D
lol. I was actually looking at the UCB career's page today before your post! . My D-Day is basically the 1st of sept (or sooner?). Fun fun re-writing my resume and getting cover letters started.
Genentech's one of the few bay area companies that is still lookin' for people to hire. Check here for recent job postings. If you're interested in anything, message me the requisition number with a text only version of your resume.

If you really-really need a job, the manufacturing area needs a whole bunch of temps, 'specially in the packaging and inspection department. So if you're willing to work under a whole lot of pressure, I'd start there.