got ethical husbandry?

Prism Favia

I have 1 frag of prism favia that looks like this but more reddish ( It's a nice favia but it's recessed to less than 50% from the original 3 eyes when I bought it at BAYMAC from Wet Thumb Frags. I've tried various locations in my tank and haven't had luck ,so it's time to give someone else a chance to 'rescue' it. I don't ask for a return frag, just give at least 1 frag back to DBTC.
-Pick up from my place in mtn. view, preferrably sooner than later.
- Have had success with favias.
-Pick # from 1-10.
I'd be happy to "recover" it, grow it out and all that jazz if you are still looking for someone by the swap (I can't pick up out where you are).
GL! It is a beauty!
#2. I can pick it up whenever. Haven't had any issues with favias yet even with one polyp (my baby's breath was grown from 1 polyp to it's current size of over 40+).
# 8, please. (LPS-R-US)

I'd likely trim the dead skeleton off and re-mount it for a fresh start. :)

PS see if you can post a pic of the actual colony so we can see what we're up against. :~
It's still alive and showing some slow new growth, working it's way over the exposed skeleton from the recession. I'm cautiously optimistic! :D
Update: The original two suffering :( polyps that you can see in the pic, continued to recede but have now stopped just prior to extinction and look like they "may" be generating new tissue. There was a very small new polyp that was beginning to form on the side of the frag. Last night, I used the dremel to separate and remount it to face the light. It was tricky surgery, but I'll watch it and post pics as long as it survives the separation. Same deal with the two original polyps....I'll post pics as long as I see some progress in the right direction. BTW the hair algae is all gone now! :D

Thanks for the chance to work with and learn from this little guy. I have two other well established favia colonys: A pink eyed turquoise favia and a gold dust favia from the DBTC program. The gold dust was pretty browned out when received and it's beginning to get the tell-tale "sheen" that is an indicator of growth and health as well as some spreading on the disc. I'll post to the appropriate DBTC chain when I see a little more color-up.
Good update and keep up the good work. We'll have to call you the 'coral healer'. Too bad about losing the algae though, I have more I can give you.... :p
The two receding heads continued to recede and go away. The tiny, baby head that you noticed on the side of the existing frag was indeed, a new baby head and I'm lucky enough to see it beginning to be happy now! Go figure. I rarely give up on a recovery frag unless I see NO live tissue under a strong magnifier. Here's a group shot of the single head of Prism favia on the right. The Sunset leptastrea on the left is completely retracted in this pic. It's usually open and looks like a colony of small zoas. I'm really stoked about the center blasto. It was mistaken by a wholesaler as a mushroom and I've divided it into two, double head frags.