Cali Kid Corals

Recently acquired (sick) chalice


Supporting Member
Today, I got this chalice. It's really nice, coloration is awesome, but it has suffered some damage. The middle is white, and it has been in a tank with many potential pests. Immediately after getting it, I removed the base, scraped off as much of the base rock as I felt was safe (that I wouldn't crack the actual coral) and dipped for 15 minutes at 100% dose of 2LF ReVive.

Here's a few pictures of the coral, under white light and under blues, and the placement I chose for it. It's at a place that my micro plating alveopora seems happy and is growing.

Close-up (front), under indirect sunlight (top), location in tank, position relative to other corals (top)

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Does anyone know what might've happened to it, the best way to treat it, if I should continue the dips (and if I harmed it by dipping - i've heard chalices are very delicate))
Thank you guys in advance!


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I still say lose the aqua clear and install hob skimmer
It will serve you far better
If there's one that can fit in an Aquaclear 70, in the media basket, perhaps that'd make more sense. It's just that at the moment I don't have the resources to buy a new skimmer and buy a bunch of new powerheads, nor the experience to properly position and orient the flow. I also don't really want to take up some valuable room in the display itself: I have little enough space as it is.

Eventually, I would like to get a new tank, perhaps a 40 or 60 gallon breeder/lagoon, and when that happens I will make sure to add a sump, and in the sump, a skimmer. Funny thing is, I included room for a sump on my freshwater stand! I could add it to my saltwater system, I just feel like the tank transfer (to a new, drilled tank) would be really stressful and maybe it wouldn't be worth it considering I do want to upgrade (although we'll see how that shakes out)
Revive is just pine oil so it isn't doing much other than knocking off any hitchhikers and pests. Don't continue dipping and just let it heal like Eric said.