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Reef Safe Angels

I've been looking for a Watanabe pair or Bellus pair but can't find any so I'm thinking about trying other angels but I'm afraid they'll nip my goodies. What angels have you had success with in a reef?
Watanabe get rather large and you only find large pairs of them. I wouldn't put a pair in a tank under 300g. Bellus is a much better choice for under 300g.
I keep a variety of angels and from my experience, as long as they are well fed like 3-4 times a day, sps and some lps will do fine. Only my multibar, Paracentropyge multifasciata, is nipping now because all he eats is bloodworms.
pick up jocs:


pick up the conspics:

poletti has some jocs in his reef. ask him if he has issues w/ picking. from what i hear, sps picking in a larger reef is negligible and will actually encourage more growth.
I got both bellus and watanabe pairs in my tank. They're been in my tank for almost 2 years now. Both pairs are doing fine no nipping on my corals. I'm thinking of adding another pair of Genicanthus if I can fine a pair of "semifasciatus" japanese masked swallowtail.

by the way, Blue aquatics have bellus angels.
Liveaquaria has Bellus recently in their diver's den. Hard to get as people grab them up quick.

I've seen a few bellus around LFS, but never pairs.
I've had success with a Lamarck's Angel -belongs to the genus Genicanthus as well. It doesn't look nearly as flattering at the Wantanabei, or the Bellus angels, but still looks decent IMO.
Eric small ones are seasonal :lol: Just find the right time and you'll get one.
Nope. Not mine and not representing anyone. They are coming thru and I am hoping to get one. I would ask one to be reserved for you if you were interested. These are from Bali. Group buy? lol.
who you calling an oxy moron
