High Tide Aquatics

Root like things coming out of rock

Coral reefer

Past President
Assuming other people have seen little white hairy root like stuff that grows on/out of live rock. Anybody know what they are or what they do?
I think I know what you are talking about.
I believe them to be a very tiny tube worm.
There are millions on the undersides of all my rock.
Looks almost like hair.
You guys think this could be a sponge? I see no movement on what is inside a few of the tunnels in my rock. With any of the worms there are parts that move to collect debris. This white threadlike structure sticks out less than half an inch and seem to cover the surface with tips that branch giving it the root look you suggested Mike.

At Steinhart I have seen similar growth in the temporate water tanks. Just thought it was a type of sponge, but it is not thick enough to have structure for internal flow.
I dont know if I am thinking about he same thing but the ones i see on my rocks look exactly like plant roots....but white and tiny. Is your similar Mike?
I have white sponge that resembles roots and just discovered one (don't know if it's sponge) that is covering some zoanthids, feels/looks slimy; I'll keep it in check.
Erick said:
I thought I was going crazy cause people were able to answer without a picture :D
This is such a great thread because we are probably talking about 5 different things.
I get satisfaction because I know I'm right on the money here. :D
here's my blind guess "Foraminiferans The branching white type are usualy mistaken for a sponge, if you look closely you can see what looks like thin hairs at the ends of the stalks, these are the Rhizpodia which collect food particles, they also can be red and are usualy only a single stubby branch no more than 1/4 inch tall, which at first led me to believe they were a type of branching coraline algae. As you can see, this animal classification has many members which do not resemble each other much. Click on the link for a detailed article on this family group." From chuck's addiction.