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Sand worker

gobies do a great job -- IF you don't have anything on the sand you care about... and if your rock work is stable... they tend to throw sand on EVERYTHING... and shift foundation of rocks.

Goatfish would work around things.... or snails and fighting conch
All my rocks are on the glass, so I’m not too concerned about that. I’m more concerned about aggression. My guess is that a Goby with a burrow will be safer than a goatfish.
I went with a bicolor goatfish but it didn’t go well. The flame angel kept harassing it and it was a bit stressed. I moved him to the grow out tank with the two baby maroon clowns and he’s happier there. He’s a really cool fish: pretty, active and changing colors all the time. I may try to put him in the DT again once he fattens up but, if that doesn’t work he may need a new home. He eats pellets from the water column, so keeping him fed should not be a problem. But, he will grow to 10” and needs sand to pick through.

Kinda disappointed, because I think he would completely take care of the diatoms in the sand and dead spots with just his normal sifting behavior.
Nothing like a sea cucumber. Gobies do not really clean that much and spread sand all over the place. Sea cucumber are sand vacuums..this is from experience..
I have two puffers, a trigger and a Harlequin Tusk. I have some snails and some survive. I also have a conch and some hermits, but they only come out at night because the fish harass them during the day. I think the puffers would eat a sea cucumber.
I have two puffers, a trigger and a Harlequin Tusk. I have some snails and some survive. I also have a conch and some hermits, but they only come out at night because the fish harass them during the day. I think the puffers would eat a sea cucumber.
Oh, then no. Last thing u want is extream stress on sea cucumbers..