
Show me the Math!

I am looking for a good equation that I can use to calculate the amount of "stuff" I put in my tank like magnesium and calcium etc. I know where to find the calculator online, but thats really easy. I want to do the math. For instance. I want to raise my Magnesium by 130ppm and my system is 72 gallons total. Directions state that 1.5mL per gallon will raise mag levels by approx 15ppm.

Anyone know a good formula?
1.5ml/g = 15ppm --> 13ml/g = 130ppm --> 13ml/g (72g) = 936ml

No clue if it's accurate for your system, esp considering the effects of precipitation and the possibility of <72g total water (rock, sand corals, etc). But from your 1.5ml/g = 15ppm I think the math is accurate.
Ok, I got it!

X gal | Y ppm | 1.5 mL =
| 1 gal | 15 ppm

X = System volume
Y = desired rise in level

72 gal | 130 ppm | 1.5mL = 14040 = 936mL
-------------------------- ------
| 1 gal | 15 ppm 15

Thanks phishphood, your math is accurate. I have re-adjusted my total system volume for displacement of water by sand and liverock. My actual (best guess) volume per this online calculator is 59 gallons.

So now my math looks like this...

59 gal | 130 ppm | 1.5mL = 11505 = 767 mL
----------------------------- ------
| 1 gal | 15ppm 15

I will not add this total volume all at once. I will add a portion (maybe 1/3) and retest the next day. These doses were confirmed with the online calculator.
I know jack about adding supplements etc (other than bionic stuff) but to me, the slower the better for most things. If you're going to add 250ml in one day, try to split that up into 2 or 3 doses if not more. Even better would be dripping it in throughout the day I think.