
so i just saw the Expendables

I thought it was, plus it had good reviews. But you do what you want.

An added plus to me was being alone with the wife, no kids. It was kinda quiet. Lol ;)
Costco is your friend when it comes to movie tickets $15 and some change for two tickets any time (depending on theaters i.e. AMC etc)
I just did the exact same thing. My wife and I both took PTO to go to Great America WITHOUT the kids, who were in preschool and then with a nanny for the afternoon. Sadly GA is closed during the weekdays now! So we had lunch in Santa Cruz, then watched the Expendables before we went home to the nanny.

Is it worth 10-12 bucks? Well, my wife challenged me to air-hockey while we were on the Boardwalk with the loser buying the tickets so .. it ended up not costing ME anything!

I'm a gun nut and action movie fan, so I loved the movie.

For those who didn't see it, it's not really about a bunch of old has been action heroes. I mean there are some cameos, but it's not about old farts fighting. They have some in-their-prime and up-and-coming actors too like Jason Statham and that UFC guy Randy Couture.

I loved it and it wouldn't be the same on the small screen.
