Cali Kid Corals

Some growth pictures (graphics intensive)


Supporting Member
Alright decided to post a few growth sequence of some of my SPS so people can get an idea for which grow fast. Please note that my alk & calcium were a bit on the low side for quite a while, not to mention I had some "unfavorable" fish in there (which are now gone). Either way hope you enjoy. Also note some of the earlier ones are kind of crappy pictures but my plan was to get an idea for growth size not so much to get a good picture (although I recently upgraded cameras, guess which ones are taken with it :)).

Contestant #1: Montipora capricornis, Green w/ purple rim. Got this from Gabe (Jonovan)
Normally quite a fast grower, but it is known for sucking calcium and alk out of a tank, which might be why it's not grown as fast as I've expected.

March 26, 2006 (right after I got it)

May 30, 2006

July 12, 2006
(right here is where some changes occured)
Changed from old 175w lamps to 250w 12kK reflux bulbs
All "bad" fish (couple dwarf angels) got removed to another tank
Started getting a bit more vigilant on calcium and alkalinity.
Ok decided to split up into three separate messages just to avoid clutter (a bit)
Contestant #2: Montipora undata Purple, with light purple rim, dark blue polyps, almost thinking this might be an Idaho Grape. Gotten from Gabe as a "purple cap" when he was breaking down his SPS stuff. Was purple in the specimin cup it came in (don't ask, Gabe works at a hospital *sigh*), when put in my tank wasn't purple for long.. turned brown under my lamps/H20 Chemistry.

March 26, 2006 (Here's where I got it)

May 30, 2006

July 12, 2006
(Same change... unfortunately while aquascaping in the move knocked the rock over and whacked a piece off :(... guess some undata lover will have a chance at the frag). Also really started to purple up here.. along with the polyps! Oooh num nums!

Here's the broken off piece.
Contestant #3 Acropora microphthalma (whew talk about a tongue twister!) Tannish/Yellow base with bright green polyps.
Got this from the last BAR frag swap it was left on the table near the end of the "Pick 3 frags" rounds, being as I didn't pick a single SPS up I grabbed this poor little guy who no one loves.

March 26, 2006

May 30, 2006 (started branching like crazy here)

July 12, 2006 Here = change again, also this was on the same rock as the undata so it got a haircut in a hurry.

And the leftover hair

That's all for now folks :)
No problem Eileen it's a fairly fast grower but it's purpling up more and more every day.

Here's one of that same fragged piece as above I took 10 minutes ago. Only alterations (other than shrinking) was to clean the glare up.