Cali Kid Corals

Sponsor liaisons?

Mike (SFPHYSICS), if you read this do you want to ask Steve at Lucky Ocean if he wants to donate? I think you said you know him. We never get any SF sponsors. Just a thought.
I was just in AS yesterday and Ellis asked if I could come by the monring of the swap to pick up corals he's donating. Has anybody arranged anything with him offically yet?
I kinda told him as we get closer to the frag swap. I would make arrangements. I would like to pick prior to coming to ASAP on that morning. I have vulinteered to help with setup. I kinda told him I would like to pick up early in the morning that day. Nothing set in stone I live 5 minutes from AS. I will talk to Ellis firm up the time to see if he give me frags about between 8-9 on saturday.

I am a moderator on another forum and we got adopted by TFH the magazine. Well to make a long story short, they would like to donate about 40 new issues of thier magazine to us for the swap.

They suggested giving one out to each person who buys X amount of raffle tickets. What do you guys think?
sorry, not up to me. They contacted me about it. I think the point is sample magazines so that those who like it will subscribe. The salty side of the magazine has gotten much better over the last couple months with great articles about reef safe angels among other things.

They arent asking for banner space or anything else, so I dont really want to ask for subscriptions.
Sounds good to me......40 issuses. First 40 people to buy $20 of raffles? I don't know....or should we just raffle the mags off too?
That would work too. But if we just give it to the first 40, then some people that dont win any raffle prizes will still get a little something.
how about exchange 20 raffle ticket stubs for a magazine? That way if someone won they wouldn't have 20 stubs (unless then bought more than 20 tickets).

Btw what is TFH magazine?
Tropical Fish Hoobyist. Its published by the same guys that published "Conciencous Marine Aquarist," "Reef Invertibrates," "Aquarium Corals," all the vollumes of "Marine Fish" as well as a whole bunch of other books that has become a staple in many of our libraries.