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I think I know just the break.... Just across SC/SM country line... with an "island" just off the coast from it? I used to surf that break nearly daily and we'd see big brother most the time, almost every time.
Yep, they tend to just swim on by going from AN up to FR in Moss Beach, FR scares the crap out of me, I've never in my life been around such deep water 1/2 mi out :O
I am not a fan of deep blue either. I swam/snorkled with the basking sharks out near the canyon and I gotta say most the time I had a sinking feeling something was coming up for me :) Not even going to talk about the time up on the North Coast when a 5 know current pulled me off the only pinnacle and a rather long distance from the boat.. in the fog.. I had to wash my suit after that one :lol:
sfboarders said:
is when Shark Week begins.

Some day I'd like to see these guys up close and personal. Not on my surfboard though :O In a cage on the North Shore. 8)
My dad swam behind some Great Whites one time, until one of them saw him.
You have to watch this video of a deep sea shark(Frilled Shark) near the surface.