Cali Kid Corals

This Acro is frustrating me

I wouldn't worry terribly much, polyp extension during the day is one of those freaks of nature that occur because we have a closed system with minimal amounts of predators. Many corals don't extend polyps until after dark to reduce predation.

Give it time, lack of predators, and they'll come out.
Check fo Red Bug or for anything irritating it. also, if its infront of the powerhead the polyp will not fully extend. I'll be too erritated. Its like sticking your head out of your car window while going 100mph. Cant do it. :bigsmile: just my two cent..
Reefdad said:
Doesn't PE mean healthy coral? How do I know if it is healthy?

Nope, PE has nothing to do with coral health. As I said, polyps normally do not extend in the daylight, too many potential predators in the wild, now in our tanks those conditions change and polyps do come out. Polyp extension can be a sign of a very hungry coral as well, so no polyps could mean no need for food. But looking at the coral it's a new coral, wait until it grows a bit before worrying about polyps. If you're really curious, after the lights have been out for a few hours come back with a flashlight and see if you see anything.

Healthy, well if it doesn't turn white, it's not dying. If it grows its healthy :D