got ethical husbandry?

Top Off Question

I want to find out where people are setting their return line for the auto-top off. So my issue is that the water line in my refill water bucket is higher than my sump. After the water is topped off in my sump, the water continues to siphon from the water bucket. I was considering having the top off tube line fill in the main tank, but the overflow is not draining quick enough and will overflow the tank main tank. Can someone let me know what other options I have?
Weird idea but maybe pump top off water up higher than the reservoir and pump, into somethinglike a funnel that connects to tubin or PVC that runs back down into sump? Maybe you can hide that behind the tank? Maybe put a valve on the top off pump so it won't overflow the tank?
I use a funnel (actually its a turkey baster)to prevent a siphon from occurring. I use an aqua lifter as my top off pump and I make sure the airtube is higher than the bucket. The air tube drips water water into a turkey baster that has its bulb taken out. the turkey baster then directs the water into my sump.
I put a syphon break in my line from my ATO reservior to solve the problem. Effectively, I put a t in the in line with a section of pipe leading up from the main line that is above the water line.
seminolecpa said:
I put a syphon break in my line from my ATO reservior to solve the problem. Effectively, I put a t in the in line with a section of pipe leading up from the main line that is above the water line.

This might be my best option. I'll find a way to install a T above the water line. But if you have a T, do you run a longer tube on the break so that water doesn't come out of that end for air?
I will try to take a picture tonight but yes their needs to be a tube up from the t (the top of which should be above your maximum water line of your top off reservior).