Neptune Aquatics

Tufts of GHA on rocks

I have small patches of GHA growing in the crevices of my rocks. I can't get at it with a toothbrush and I can pinch it out if it's long enough but I can't get to all of it. Does anyone have any suggestions for removing these?
I have small patches of GHA growing in the crevices of my rocks. I can't get at it with a toothbrush and I can pinch it out if it's long enough but I can't get to all of it. Does anyone have any suggestions for removing these?
I had a similar problem when my GSP bridged to my main arch. I covered it with a sheet of epoxy, and let it starve out.

Since your GHA tufts are inaccessible, I'd take small pieces of epoxy and patch the crevices over the GHA. Should work for GHA as well.
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Tiny urchins would be another option. But the fastest approach would probably be to epoxy or glue over them.

One more thing you could do would be to fill a syringe with hydrogen peroxide and spot treat them. But, of course, be careful!
Thanks for the suggestions everyone.

For additional info -- I have two larger urchins, 1 emerald crab, 10 large trochus snails, a yellow eyed kole tang and a hippo tang who aren't getting into the holes and aren't mowing down the taller GHA. Maybe I need to take the rocks out and scrub with a larger brush to get into the holes and get some smaller urchins or snails to get into the holes?

Is there anything that will mow down taller patches of GHA and get into the holes? Anyone have experience with dolabella sea hares?
This is the best pic I have handy. They're in the rock holes and at the base of the kenya tree.