got ethical husbandry?

Well I got parasites; Can someone confirm it's ich;

Well I know better since I have koi;

But got some parasites due to not quarantine coral arrivals;

Please verify it's ich



Bleny is also scratching against sand bed


I have a qt tank ready to go just want to treat for the right thing;


I'm by no means an expert but I don't see any of the little white dots that would indicate ich. What makes you suspect ich? You should ask on ReefCentral "Fish diseases" forum. There seem to be some experienced and knowledgeable people there. Detail all the symptoms, your tank setup (such as whether you have a sand bed or not) and parameters, the type of fish involved and details about recent additions to the tanks (your suspected vector). Photos do help but only for illustrating points from your description.

Hope your fish recover. Good luck!
There are little white dots on the tang; and kindo of on the tomatos face

The fish in the tank are also scratching noticeably

saw first dot 14 days ago; blenny was scratching before this;

Here are some more pics; I just want to make sure it's ich as I would like to do hypo rather than copper;



Second pics look like ich to me. And scratching fits.
But a bit hard to tell. Pics are still not that clear.

Since good pictures can be hard to take, it might be easier to
search online for good pictures of ich and similar diseases,
and then compare those that to what you see.
Yep. Better images is a must. I don't even want to say what I think it loks like. :D Can you take some vid? Sometimes that is easier to capture than a still.
The fish should be treated regardless of what they have. Get them in the QT tank, and see if you can get better pics. Lowering the salinity will help regardless so start that process asap.
Hmm, after that next set of pictures, you should also consider Brooklynella.
That head-on clownfish picture in particular looks like it has a fair bit of extra mucus/slime.
But I simply don't know which it is.
And unfortunately, treatments are different.

IMO: Get them out, do a freshwater dip, and put in QT.
That should help a bit with either disease.

Hopefully someone else can tell.
They are now in the hospital tank; Tang and clown-fish where dipped for 5 min in fresh water ph temp adjusted water;

I will let you know tomorrow if they all make the move the QT tank was set up in a hurry a week ago; I have a feeling a lot of water changes

The 4 fish in qt are
tomato clown
starry blenny
dwarf fu man chu lion

I guess I am going to do hypo or copper for ich what is less stress for the type of fish I have;

After than I can give the clown-fish Formalin if needed;

Can other fish get clownfish disease?

Thank you for the help so far