Neptune Aquatics

What to do?

Ok so I have posted here before that I have been fighting zoa pox for the last 3-4 months. I have been dipping the affected colonies in Furan2 which helped but has not eradicated it. The problem is it will not go away, it only affects certain zoas, so in large colonies there will be a 1/8 that are closed and melt away but they grow back and the same thing happens again. Also because my tank is a zoa garden it has affected zoas that are on my main rock work that I cant remove and dip because they are too large or under a million other rocks. So what would you do? Some of my best zoas are not affected at all and haven't been for months but others just keep getting it over and over. Then colonies that are not affected can all of a sudden become infected. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Loved BAYMAC also so thank you all for the hard work!
Sometimes zoapox symptoms go away if you move the zoas to a different system.

Since your zoas are on your main rockwork, I'd do several massive water changes. Like 80%.

And make sure your tank is well aerated.