
What type of "ceramic" are ceramic frag plugs made of? Can they be DIY without a kiln or specialize equipment?

I was considering mixing up some arago-crete and putting it in ice cube trays to make a sort of mound-shaped plug. Or maybe make a plug the size of a sand dollar (or heck, use an actual sand dollar!).
Anyway, I have various bags of small frag plugs and some seem to be made of plaster, and some say they are ceramic. Someone mentioned using tiles from Home Depot as large frag plates.

Ceramic seems to just be some sort of clay that is fired in a kiln, and really "Ceramic" is a general term.
So I'm wondering ... is it some material that can be worked/finished at home (ie; without a kiln)?


I don't know about ceramic. I used emarco to make my own plugs and disc's. Worked great.

There are a ton of 3d printed mold designs floating around now.
you can make disc's with super glue and sand or reef cement (could also press some sand into the top). I believe if you do it on top of wax paper it should come off easily?
Think it really depends on the look you want and end results placing the corals on ur reef or other peoples reef? I’ve always edged for natural broken up reef rock on encrusting corals in such if growing frags for my own tanks on transfers just more appealing and natural. But yeah that emarco putty works or super glue and aragonite just make a bunch and soak them up for a few months with live rock in a tub to season and spice up if needed