Neptune Aquatics

What's eating my cyphastrea!!!!

Any ideas?
Looks like it is either getting stung, or the green boring algae is getting imbedded in the skeleton, my vote goes to the prior, I've never seen the boring algae do to much damage in heathy coral.
Boarder wars? The favia had not been aggressive toward the cyhphastrea until now, but that sounds like a logical conclusion. I'll keep the algae under control and see what happens. I recently had my scoly go into recession too so I'm watching it. Yes, Mag, CA, Alk, SG are all fine and no phosphates thanks to GFO reactor. I did dip the scoly in revive to preclude infection as one possible issue.

Thanks for the input!
You should do a little early am investigation and shine a flashlight in the middle of the night to check on favia sweeper tentacle lengths. I've found some favias & chalice to have sweepers that are like long 'whips of death'. :O
Since we just moved a number of our corals to our new setup (120g) I saw one of our favia's have sweepers that were at least 5 or 6" inches long last night. I was amazed at how long they were. I would put my money on the favia.

I'll do as Bill suggests and get out there very late with the old flashlight. I've seen sweepers from this particular pink eye that reach almost 2". The old current pattern took them South rather than North. Now I have a very different circulation cycle using the wireless interface to the Vortech's and driving them all the different modes with the Apex. So now my currents change all the time. Funny that it JUST started happening and they've been in close proximity for a long time. The favia, however, has shown new vigor in spreading. Kind of like a little country trying to conquer it's neighboring nations. I'll likely see how nature takes this course but I do REALLY like that Meteor Shower and it's spread so nicely! I'm known to be a little drastic will usually remove an offending coral in it's entirety if it get's in the habit of stinging it's neighbors.
John I think I just noticed the same freaking thing going down on one of my turbinarias. I think my damn favia reached out too in last 2 nights and blasted the rim. Bad favia - just split them up. I previously hadn't noticed anything too long extending but I have been upping the feedings lately and everyone is quite greedy after dark now.
My pink eyed favia was not extending any sweepers last night. It's behaving under close observation. I was beginning to wonder just when it would stop spreading. The story unfolds in the most interesting turn of events. H) The IWSYU mycedium, on the other hand, was full of sweeping tentacles that were about 2" long. Just miss the neighboring coral. No wonder it's been growing so fast.