Cali Kid Corals

whats in your refugium

Live rock, minimal sand, chaeto, some red macro from GM, mushrooms, a tiny sarco; think I have a small fish tank under the fish tank !!
I started with LR and Cheato with a few shrooms and zoas. A couple chocolate stars still reside there, prior food source for the Harlequins. Three proud mangroves, courtesy of JAR live on. No longer any Cheato and very little live rock. Just enough for the roots of the mangroves.

No wait, Capitol One?

Cheato and a snot load of little critters.... and water :D
Oh you shouldn't let those come in contact with water, especially after midnight.
eldiablosrt8 said:
I read somewhere you didn't want a ton of flow in your refugium is that true I see some of have flow in there besides in/out flow

If you can, direct the water passing thru so that it makes a tumbling effect on the algea. (I used an extra baffle) You dont have to do that for it to work, but I did notice a major change in how fast the algea grows! I put in a small sandwich bag of chaeto, macro, and grapeweed. About four weeks later no more hair algea and my small bag of mixed algeas is about a 12" tumbling ball. Im using a 2-3" sand bed and a 5500k CF light form home depot with a cheap flood light reflector. Best part is its only 15watts and cost about $12 total :)
Here's a pic of mine under the frag tank (Chaeto/gracialla & live rock...might add some sand):

Sfork said:
anyone try miracle mud?

Funny you should mention that. I contemplated using that for my setup since I have 2 ecosystem sumps. I remember reading The Reef Aquarium and the authors mentioning that similiar results could be met w/sand, etc. Plus its a hassle to change out the mud.
Deep sand bed, cheato, and a small piece of live rock.

Lots of critters in the cheato. I found a fire worm the other day and was able to pull out a couple inches of it. Now I am nervous about messing with the cheato.