Cali Kid Corals

Wishn2boutside's Raspberry cheesecake acro


Supporting Member
I made a small accidental frag of it today. This coral came from Richard formally of mobile aquatics. It seems to be a decent grower.

- have an established tank
- have success with SPS
- have a tank thread
- give me back a frag if I were to loose my colony
- distribute 3 second gen frags before selling or trading

Pic of the coral since Ian hasn't taken one
I'll pick the number out tomorrow. Forgot to mention, I won't be making the Dec meeting so pick up will be at my place in Berkeley.
Tumbleweed said:
Gomer said:
rational numbers are overrated :p
Here Tony is this better?
3. 14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 58209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679 821480865132823066470
May I use this number to calculate the circumference of my belly after the Pot Luck?