High Tide Aquatics

Wrasse compatibility -enlighten me

Just contemplating my stocking options once I get my tank up :)
I will definitely be looking for a Tail Spot Blenny.
If there was a Solorensis wrasse, a carpenters flasher wrasse, and a six line wrasse, and I wanted to keep two of them, which two of these would get along (or have the highest chance of getting along)? Or should I not even bother trying to keep two of them. These would be in a 33g cube.
Also, the six line is known for picking at small pests in the aquaria, but I was wondering if the carpenters, and/or solorensis exhibited this behavior as well?
In general, is there a steadfast way of determining whether or not which wrasses will get along and which will not (ie. do not mix different certain genera, or certain species)?
I used to have a Solarensis and Carpenter's Wrasse together. The fairy wrasses usually do cruise around all day examining the rock work and crevices for food and possibly bugs as well. I introduced them at the same time. Definitely the six line is the most aggressive of the 3. After I introduced the Solar and the Carpenter and attempted to add another fairy wrasse, it did not go over very well.
Most wrasses will be "pest pickers" some just a bit better than others, that said, and I don't have personal experience with this, but the Six line will be pretty damn aggressive, I have heard some horror stories about that fish (but mine always seemed mellow). I do have a Solarensis, and mine is the most passive-friendly fish I've had (of course I realize he simply equated me with food from the get go :D).
Joyce - so hard to decide which ones to pick up. I like the Carpenters wrasse a little more than the six line. I am not a huge fan of fairy wrasses, I don't know why :( I am leaning away fro the solorensis wrasse now though, because I think he gets a little too large for a 33g cube.

Mike - I've heard that six lines are very mean as well. I've also heard the horror stories too. But in all honesty, I used to have one in my 40g, and the six line was just as passive and docile as my fire fish. No signs of aggression upon other fish from the six line what-so-ever. Maybe I just lucked out and got a specimen who plays nice :) Do you think a six line and a carpenters wrasse will do okay if added at the same time?
Hmm I got my six-line from lucky ocean... you too? Maybe it's something in the water there :D

Anyways, I can't say if they'll be the same. People have said the blue damsel has devils in the tank, mine wasn't, but he had a couple tangs and tomato clown fish with them, so maybe it was a matter of there were bigger bullies than him.

If you're trying for a pest killing wrasse, why not the canary wrasse? (often called Yellow "Coris" wrasse)
Yeah, my last six line came from Lucky Ocean Aquarium. He did really well too, until we went carpet surfing :(
Coris wrasses are nice, but I will have a bare bottom tank, so this fish is not an option. Some people remedy this in bare bottom tanks by putting a small container on sand in the back corner of the tank, but I don't want to do that. I am definitely going to get a Carpenters wrasse though, as I have been wanting one of these bad boys for quite some time now!
Hm, now that I think about it, I may just get the Carpenter wrasse and call it a day :) This wrasse will cruise around the rocks like a six line does and help prey on small pests correct?
Yeah, then I'll just stick with the Carpenters wrasse -I won't have to worry about quarrels with other fish.
What kind of clown do you have Jason?