High Tide Aquatics

RODI/Saltwater Mixing

I have a 20 gallon food grade brute in which I mix my salt into my RODI water for water changes. I make the water on Saturday, mix it, and do the water change Sunday. I then rinse out and dry the brute. However, there are deposits on the inside of the can and a slight odor. What should I do each week to properly clean the brute?

Thanks reefers!
I wouldn't worry too much about the deposits, it's simply precipitation and think of it as another coating between the water and the plastic of the Brute (food safe or not). As for the odor, couldn't tell you, smells like rubber? smells like salt water? smells like teen spirit?
If you really want to clean it a vinegar bath will do the trick. I’d just use a different salt. I switched to Red Sea blue from reef crystals to avoid the precipitation
I wouldn’t worry about the deposits but if that bugs you, just rinse the container after changing water.
Normally if you leave the mix running for a few days, it will start showing gray/brown-ish deposits on the surface.