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Purple Non-Sulfur Bacteria - Are you adding this?


Supporting Member
Reading the article below, how many of you add this to your tank?

I have been using PNS Pro Bio for several months and cannot tell if it is worth doing. I have had no significant issues with my tank since using this (before Dinos etc), and all corals I have (no acros) have been doing well, no fish disease no cyano despite low nitrates and high phosphates.

The article above seems to imply yes, and I did watch several interviews with the owner of Hydrospace. However, as a non-biologist, it is pretty challenging to follow his rationale, and it is difficult for him to articulate benefits while trying not to overstate the impact.

Anyway, I just thought I would see the sentiment related to this relatively niche additive.
I’ll look further into it
G tends to be right on when it comes to these matters

I will say, I do take what all phyto & bacteria companies preach their phyto/bacteria can achieve with a grain of salt. You're not going to see much reduction in nutrients with live phyto additions. To use a lot, you need a lot. If you have a lot, your water is tinted, which reefers tend to dislike.

The bacterias Kenneth are utilizing, and is in a continual search for, are very useful. His last vacation wasn't just a vacation, he pulled ocean samples to isolate bacterias while there lol

My marketing approach to phtyo was always as a feed.