Neptune Aquatics
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  • No minimum and I should be able to price match. I don't have torch us snails at the moment but I can get them.
    Can I call you later today? Who do I ask for?
    Hey if your doing a group buy it can get you the same stuff for about the same price depending on how much you want. No shipping cost and local pick up. Thanks
    I will let you know the counts on Monday to see if you can match my other quote. Pickup might be an issue as I live in SF. Do you have trochus snails? Also what is the minimum you need. The other contact needed about 100 for each snail or crab.
    Hi Apon, do you still have room for Sunday. I would like to go and meet some of the members. I live in Livermore. My phone is 818-448-3366. Thanks, Scott
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