Neptune Aquatics

24 days!


Past President
Left my tank alone for 24 days while I was R&Ring (transpac and Hawaii vacation) and came home to growth and no death! Bought one of those eheim autofeeders everyone recommends the week before and it seemed to work great.
Some stuff lost a little color but that can be fixed.
Some frags got a lot bigger which is good for the swap!
XYZ gantry, linear motors, vision system to avoid snails.

You know that's totally possible don't you?
Of course!
I haven't used the IMAQ stuff in a long time instead preferring to go with other systems like Keyence, etc... But a bit of blob analysis to find the snails is a simple thing to do in IMAQ. I do use the motion control stuff heavily, we have a nice custom linear amplifier box to interface with the boards for driving gratings and targets.
Well, I don't mind my glass getting dirty for a month (happens a lot), I want to know how you cleaned the skimmer.
Technically I'm at 28 days now. But ready for water change tonight.
Skimmer cup I didn't care about. My tank doesn't produce very much gunk. Drains off into a bucket.

We'll cut a video of the race next month. The video files were left on the boat which is on it's way back as we speak. That generally takes like 2-3 wks. My GoPro worked pretty well.
houser said:
Technically I'm at 28 days now.