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Advise removing silicone from DIY sump


Supporting Member
I plan on re-doing my DIY sump. I plan on removing 3 glass baffles that I siliconed and re-installing them 8-inches over. I figure I'll just use a rubbermaid as a temp sump until I finish.

How much time do you think it will take to remove the baffles and re-install? Any advice and tips on cutting silicone are appreciated. tia.

i did this once and it took FOREVER. use a sharp razor and start by slicing through the silicone on both sides of the baffle. if the baffle is small enough, it should wiggle out.

want to know what i did? i drained my sump and took a hammer to each baffle. luckily the sump itself didn't crack. i just didn't have the patience.
the razor blade will work best, the silicone should come off fairly easy from glass with a razor blade. and it depends how thick you put the silcone also..
I also removed mine by smashing the existing baffles with a hammer. It was the quickest way. BE SURE TO WEAR LEATHER GLOVES!
Alright. I guess the price of new glass will more than off-set the time used to remove the silicone.

Thank you.