Neptune Aquatics

Anemone - Aiptasia???

I was cutting zoas the other day and got two of what I thought were brown with gold spots zoas, they looked kinda cool.

now I have 1 growing on some live rock that I KNOW was never there and I am thinking it is an anemone that is a baby, strange thing is, I have no clue how they got there, I have not recieved any new corals for them to come in on and I have not seen them till now.

let me know what you think, sorry for the bad pic, I will get a better one later.

the post here has the best look at what the anemone looks like but no name. anyone?

OK, I guess I will destroy these little things before they turn into a plague, I rather play it safe than hope it is a good zoa and it ravage my tanks.

ya, a peppermint shrimp is what im going to get, also a cleaner and a coral banded (for bristle worms) atleast there are ways of combating these pests with nice little inverts.
Want my advice? Well tough you're getting it anyways! Don't try to destroy them in tank if you can avoid it. Going by the picture it looks like those rocks are easily removable, remove them and literally chip off the rock they are on.
thats what I did, I just took the rock they were on and scraped them off into a garbage can and soaked the rocks in bleach for a few hours, I will recycle the rock after a soak in some water conditioner.

thanks for the advice. ;)
No prob ;)

Also in the future, don't scrape aiptasia off, if the tiniest of flesh is still left they will regrow. IMO rock is not that precious that you can't chip out a piece.
Now, I have a question, is it possible for aiptasia to lay dormant until its bothered and then spread throughout your tank?

Because the zoa colony I had them on has been in my tank for quite some time and have not had aiptasia anywhere else in my tank, strange..............

hopefully I can get a peppermint shrimp to safeguard against more popping up in the future.