High Tide Aquatics

Anemone/clown hosting Newbe!!

Do I have to facilitate hosting? like with feeding or something. I just got a bubble tip and I have a pair of true's, how do I know if the fish will host with the anemone. For the last few hours they have been checking it out but that is it otherwise.
Well if the fish will host they'll do it on their own, it'll most likely start with some cautious rubbing, etc then they'll go in.

Now IIRC in nature perculas and BTA don't host, I'm not sure if that's due to lack of that type of anemone or what. However I have seen perculas hosting BTA in a LFS when they were all in the same tank, so it is possible.
a BTA is one of the easiest anemone to be kept, and I say that tongue in cheek, however they are typically not hosts to percula clown fish, that doesn't mean they won't however.