Cali Kid Corals

Anyone been able to get Cerith Snail eggs to maturity?

I occasionally get the cerith snail squiggles on my tank wall...then they get eaten or something. Has anyone had certih snails survive in their tank?

I'm pretty sure they have a planktonic stage during which time they are heartily consumed by EVERYTHING. Has anyone been able to remove them from the tank and feed them phytoplankton or something?

Just wondering (this is a result of a thread in the main reef talk forum)...

I actually have a ton of tiny white ceriths in my tank right now. They are from the first snail group buy. Apparently some of them survived being eaten and now they are many. They go on the glass at night and hide in the live rock as soon as the lights come on. I'm interested to see if some make it to adulthood.
I bought about 6 on line in a "cleaner package" 2 years ago. There are probably over 50 in my 29g minireef tank right now. I have given away quite a few to my firends as well, and I'm constantly scraping the eggs off the glass wall. I don't really need anymore. There population tends to very quite a bit with how often I clean the glass. The more algae the more snails I see...
The problem with the squigles is that the ceriths have a planktonic stage, during which they need to eat phytoplankton and themselves become zooplankton! To it's hard to keep them alive. YOu might try putting them in another container and feed it phytoplankton?

I got 5-6 in my 29G tank and they lay eggs like crazy too. I saw several baby couple days ago. We will see what happen.
My little ceriths are now getting to be 1/4" in size. Last time I posted they were slightly larger than a grain of sand. I have some new generations as well. I guess the phytofeast I feed the tank is helping more than I knew. :)
My ceriths lay eggs everywhere - acrylic, my cleaning magnet, on the rocks - but I never see any babies. :( Caught my blonde naso eating some off the front pane of the tank yesterday too! I do dose phyto, but not every day, maybe I should change that. :)
I had hundreds of babies before my tank move. I thought they were one of those clam killing snails... but they turned out to be ceriths. I started with 6 ceriths, a few died and scarlet hermits took over, but now I have about 12. pretty cool, didn't do anything special. Most are still small'ish.
We are not doing something right. There is a dude on RC selling them almost every 3-4 weeks. He said that they grow fast for him ;D ..