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AP700 connection issue solved? Possibly!!!!

For sometime I’ve been struggling in getting my AP700 connected to my home network. But most importantly, I’ve been having some flickering issues with the lights.

I just want to say, Kessil support is freaking awesome. They’ve gone above and beyond the call of duty.

Ok... now to the great news.. I am now able to connect to the AP700 to my router.

Kessil support offered me a beta version to run on AP700. This version fixed a few issues... one of which, and by the way, may not necessarily be for all AP700, is the router password would cause issues for the AP700. In addition, there was a flickering issue where the AP700 would turn off then on again for no reason.

Well, this beta for sure fixed my issues. I was able to connect my AP700 to my network without any issues after upgrading the firmware.

If you’re having similar issues, contact Kessil support.

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