
Apartments... best way to start looking for them.

I need to find an apartment to rent... not in a huge hurry but I need one. I know where I want to look.... anywhere on within bike range of a lightrail station and somewhere on the cambrian/Willow Glen/blossom hill area... i.e easy distance of where my house is now.

Hopefully, they will allow small fish tanks but that won't be a show stopper.

Question is really what's the best way to get a good look at lots of places on-line before I start visiting places...hopefully someones been through this recently.

I Bedroom life ahoy; or maybe two if I could find someone who wanted to share.

Is there any really comprehensive listings out there to help me compare and contrast?


Craigslist is your friend Adrian.

To get an idea as to what the somewhat nicer places look like you can go to

or better yet visit the local big supermarket and find the apartment magazines.
We drive around the area that we want to live and look around. Not very convenient but we want to see the area and what the apt looks like in person.
google is also good at finding places. (search "apartment for rent" y ou'll find apartments when you search rentals)

There is another really good site that I used a lot that I'll have to dig up.
Found my apartment via Craigslist. Just search through the ads. A lot of them have websites you can check out, and then if things look good enough I (or got someone I trust) do a drive-by of the place. Check the above websites too, helped out some. Then I just got a piece of paper and wrote out everything that each place had. Got on the phone, made appts, and then found one I really liked so I took it.
Thanks guys. I took a look at gave me some ideas... Craigslist too but not that much there although a little cheaper. I'll take a more serious look this week.

One thing that bothers me is how much more expensive it is to be on your own and renting a 1BR apt vs having a friend and getting a two bedroom apartment. I consider myself to be comfortably off but I never considered that I might have to continue paying my mortgage and all the bills in my house while paying out a lot of money in rent and new bills every month too.

I guess I should pose another does one find a person to share an apt with if all your friends are settled and not apt living anymore?
Fwiw - rent during the summer months will be nothing like what it will be like come last quarter nor first quarter of the year.

My rents go up (in SF) now regardless of this "economic crisis" we are in.
The market price will always go up around this time - interns, and college grads getting jobs.

Apartment communities are willing to "deal" offer specials around the holidays and/or around the first of the year because they have been sitting on apartments long enough
A few years ago we rented our house out for two years and we advertised on Craigs List and found wounderful renters, when we returened from North Carolina we couldn't move back into our home for 8 months so WE TOO looked on craigs List and found a great place to live. Definately check out CL.
try ( Craigs List + Google maps, so you can visualize locations quicker without having to google it each time.

