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Supporting Member
Does anyone have one they're willing to part with? I know they're cheap but seems like an item that would find it's way to a box in the garage!


Now looking for alternatives
This is an item you do not want to buy used given the lift time of the unit and what happens with a failure.
newhobby said:
And they are so cheap... Just go to LFS and get a new one

Yeah - Money wasn't the issue...I figured if people had them in storage, why not put one to good use?

GreshamH said:
This is an item you do not want to buy used given the lift time of the unit and what happens with a failure.

Ahh, good point. Thanks (again) Gresh for the knowledgeable response..You seem to know....Everything....

Mods - delete if possible.
glad you could sort through my "lift" instead of "life" time mistake :)

I do know a lot, but not everything, and I seem to forget a lot now :lol:
IME, its less the diaphragm more about buildup clogging the inside of the pump. Either way new is probably better.
The three that have failed on me were due to the diaphragm being worn out and leaking. A majority of the cases I see online are about leaking, not clogging. This is a historical problem with diaphragms. of which I've been using for over 20 years and why LFS's used to do a good business in replacements.
They last a couple years, not bad for $20. All peristaltic and diaphragm pumps will have failure due to how they work. One has a moving rubber part and the other crushes and rolls over tubing. Both will leak at some point. The trick is knowing when they are on their way out :)

I'm running two Aqualifters right now and i feel safe :)