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Are these true color?

I found these online and really liked them, I'm fighting the urge to buy the colony. Anyone seen colors like this in REAL life? I'm skeptical of the photo...

I have greens like that - with metallic orange highlights on the skirts. Been bringing them to the last few swaps, but haven't heard from anyone picking them up.
I have some of thse greens as well. But if you lok at the empty space, it look purplish too me. So I would assume a bit of color adjustment.
Todd, I'd be interested in a trade if you like.

Here's a pic of what mine look like. The other greens I see usually don't have the orange highlights.

Also have the pinks with white mouth, and the less common pinks with green mouth.

I would like a frag of that. Will you sell?? If you like to trade a have "superman" rhodactis. Similar to this .. LMK.. I will be in Alameda tomorrow around noon.

Hi Phong,

Looking for trades for now. I'd go for the shroom but I picked up some of those rhodactis from New Alameda in August. I love those! I should try to prop some, but I'm paranoid to cut them.


I'd trade for Ruby Red zoos, less common montis, seriatopora birdsnest, blue acros, or chalice if you have frags of those.

Hey Elite,

What is the lighting requirment for those "superman" rhodactis. I'd like to trade for one of those but I don't have much to trade. Where did you get yours?
PC should be fine... Mushroom doesn't require a lot of light. It's hard to find them in San Jose. Atlantis Aquarium has some and New Alameda per Mr. Ugly .. What do you have to trade.. I'm looking for colorful stuff :) ..