Neptune Aquatics

Bacterial Infection?

I have a Regal Angel that I've had in QT for just under a week now, and in the past day or so I noticed some red spots on its chin that I suspect may be signs of a bacterial infection. I'm treating the QT with Prazipro right now, as I was suspicious of flukes (sure enough, a bunch of them fell off immediately), and this could be secondary to the fluke infestation. Fish seems to be fine otherwise, alert and eating (out of my hand, no less!). Does it look bacterial? If so, should I treat it, and with what, and would there be any problems with treating concurrently with the praziquantel?

Appreciate any suggestions! :)
So should I just finish out the praziquantel treatment and leave it alone otherwise? It looks a little ulcerated, but doesn't look extensive - just want to make sure it's not going to get worse.
If the Prazi knocked off the larger offenders I'd start feeding like crazy and pamper the ol' boy. Flukes generally cannot reproduce in a closed system, so your best bet is to improve the fish's immune system ;)